Get detailed messages when you’re unavailable
Our receptionists will ensure you never miss a call, accurately relaying messages from callers when you’re not available.
When you can’t answer, we’ll take a detailed message
Never miss another call to voicemail again. With our 24/7 live answering services, you can ensure that every caller is greeted by a friendly, live person. If you’re not available, no worries – we’ll take a detailed message on your behalf.

We’ll collect the caller’s name, contact info and all the details of their request
When we take a message, we’ll collect the caller’s name, phone number, email address (optional) and any details they relay.
Need even more? Check out our lead collection service that allows you to gather detailed information from callers in structured forms.
Or we can provide the option to send callers to voicemail
We understand that in some situations, you might prefer for callers to leave a voicemail, so we offer that option, too.
All our plans come with one voicemail box that our live receptionists can transfer callers to if you direct us to do so.
Get messages by email or via our app within minutes
When you receive a new message, we’ll deliver it within minutes of call wrap-up via email or a push notification in our web and mobile apps.
Prefer to receive your messages as a daily batch, instead of after each call? No prob, we can do that too.
Ready to get started?
Explore all the ways our answering services can help your business
Our 24/7 call answering services go way beyond just answering the call to save you time, delight your callers, and book more business.
Our receptionists are always available – even on holidays.
Live message taking gives a personal feel to every call.
Live message taking gives a personal feel to every call.